What is the CAASPP?
The CAASPP (California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress) is a statewide series of assessment tests taken by students in grades 3 through 8, and high school.
What does it test for?
The tests assesses how well students understand California's new and rigorous common core state standards designed to prepare them for college coursework and 21st-century careers. It tests English language literacy, mathematics, and science skills.
How are scores used?
Scores are not used to determine whether a student moves on to the next grade. Rather, they guide parents and teachers in discussion, and help schools adjust instruction to meet student needs.
What happened to STAR?
The CAASPP replaced California's STAR (Standardized Testing nd Reporting) exam in 2015. Scores are measured differently and cannot be compared to the STAR scoring system.
Is my student required to take it?
All students enrolled in California schools are required to take the exam, unless their parent has expressed in writing that the student should should be excluded from taking it.
California Alternate Assessments (CAAs) are available for students with individualized education plans that indicate the use of an alternate assessment on statewide assessments.
The CAASPP consists of two exams:
The Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments for ELA (SBSA) and mathematics
Students in grades three through eight and grade eleven will take assessments administered online. The tests are interactive and adaptive to ensure accuracy. For example, incorrect answers prompt easier questions, and correct answer prompt harder questions. This shortens the time of the test and allows for a better understanding of students' strengths and weaknesses.
The California Science Test (CAST)
Students will take the CAST in grades five and eight and once in high school. All students must take the science assessment by the end of grade twelve, but have the option of testing in grade ten or grade eleven. The test is also computer-based, allowing students to interact with the test content. They are able to collect and analyze data from experiments, and even write short responses.
Allotted Time
Students are not timed, however most complete each test within 2 to 2.5 hours.
Hire a CAASPP Tutor
There are many benefits to doing well on the CAASPP. Students are able to build confidence and practice test-taking skills. Terrific Tutors ® can help your student prepare for the SBSA (ELA & mathematics) or CAST (science) exams.
Free Practice Resources
Below are links to free CAASP practice resources with sample questions, practice tests, and more information about the exam: