The OLSAT is a multiple choice K-12 test that is commonly used by schools for admissions into gifted and talented programs.
Sections & Allotted Time
It includes four sections, two verbal and two non-verbal:
• Verbal Comprehension: understanding of language; similarities/differences among words
• Verbal Reasoning: using language to infer, apply, and classify
• Pictorial Reasoning: inferring from and evaluating pictures
• Figural Reasoning: reasoning involving geometric shapes
Students have between 60 and 75 minutes to complete the exam depending on their exam level and number of questions (see below)

Exam levels is determined by grade level:

The OLSAT is scored by calculating a percentage of questions answered correctly weighed against students of the same age. The results report a percentile ranking of how they did on a scale of 0-100%.
Students will usually need to perform in the top 95 percentile to be identified for a school's Talented and Gifted programs.
Recommended Guide
Practice Links
